Our Partners

Our Partners

The Ola Grimsby Institute is proud to work with these partners in furthering education and clinical practice in orthopedic manual physical therapy.

OGI Clinical Mentors

Name Email Work Number City Fellow OCSNo
Anderson, Joel janderson@cascaderehab.com (360) 419-9300 Mount Vernon, WA No Yes
Ament, Julie* jament@northpolept.com (907) 488-4978 North Pole, AK Yes No
Beiber, Karyn karyn.beiber@gmail.com (406) 969-2518 Billings, MT Yes Yes
Catlin, Rebecca beccai12climb@yahoo.com (425) 441-6075 Issaquah, WA Yes Yes
Dubrow, Karen kdubrow@dubrow.com (972) 398-0789 Plano, TX Yes Yes
Eivers, Stuart seivers@wac.net (206) 622-7900 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Evans, Jeff* jeff_evans2@hotmail.com (907) 561-4280 Anchorage, AK Yes No
Fitzgerald, Anna* annafitzgerald@mtipt.com (425) 820-2590 Kirkland, WA Yes No
Gorman, Mike mike@stlpt.com (636) 728-1777 Chesterfield, MO Yes Yes
Gramont, Donna dgramont@comcast.net (503) 236-3108 Portland, OR No No
Grant, David dgrant@pssrehab.com (314) 539-9800 St. Louis, MO Yes No
Green, Lisa lgreen@pacifictherx.com (650) 851-1145 Portola Valley, CA Yes No
Grotenhuis, Ben grtnhs@comcast.net (630) 369-1015 Naperville, IL Yes Yes
Hayner, Bill bhayner@gmail.com (425) 746-2475 Seattle, WA Yes No
Hinson, Bill hinsonc72u@comcast.net (360) 459-0260 Olympia, WA No Yes
Hobusch, Rick westwood@xmission.com (801) 967-6055 Taylorsville, UT No No
Holbourn, Jennifer jennhgb3@hotmail.com (901) 272-2822 Memphis, TN Yes Yes
Kay, Alec alaskakays@gmail.com (907) 929-8400 Anchorage, AK Yes No
Keefer, Tonya* tonyakeefer@mtipt.com (206) 281-7970 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Kring, Rick kringr@ccf.org (216) 444-3373 Cleveland, OH Yes No
Lavin, Wendy wendylavin@mtipt.com (206) 548-1522 Seattle, WA Yes No
Luebbe, Vicki Vicki.Luebbe@nwhsea.org (206) 782-0218 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Markey, Laura lauramarkey@aol.com (928) 442-0005 Prescott, AZ Yes Yes
Myerson, Jason* jbmyerson@gmail.com (203) 459-1133 Trumbull, CT Yes No
Nicolai, Rett rettnicolai@mtipt.com (206) 430-6262 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Olson, Sarah saraholson@mtipt.com (425) 820-2590 Kirkland, WA Yes Yes
Olson, Scott scottkolson@yahoo.com (425) 746-2475 Bellevue, WA Yes Yes
Paul, MaryAnn* mapaulpt@gmail.com (907) 245-1245 Anchorage, AK Yes No
Pentz, Hilary* hilary.pentz@gmail.com (206) 281-7970 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Power, Brian brianpower@mtipt.com (206) 548-1522 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Rivard, Jim jimrivard@mtipt.com (425) 746-2475 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Rothschild, Andrew* Asrothschild7@gmail.com (662) 890-6953 Southaven, MS Yes No
Sayson, Jojo jojovsayson@comcast.net (815) 936-1992 Bourbonnais, IL Yes No
Vitale, Kelly* kellysenglar@hotmail.com (252) 544-0629 Rocky Mount, NC Yes No
Schultz, Becky becster57@aol.com (847) 990-5350 McHenry, IL Yes Yes
Tideman, Anika anikatideman@mtipt.com (206) 281-7970 Seattle, WA Yes Yes
Unsleber, Cindy cindyu1@hotmail.com (206) 281-7970 Seattle, WA Yes No
Washeck, Cindy* runinpt@cs.com (636) 625-4780 O’Fallon, MO Yes Yes
Washeck, Dan danwasheck@juno.com (636) 625-4780 O’Fallon, MO Yes Yes
Wood, Louise* ljwood@gci.net (907) 245-1245 Anchorage, AK Yes Yes

* Non-instructor Mentors. These mentors may provide up to 100 of the 150 hours for residents. However, they may only provide up to 50 of the 150 total hours required for fellowship students. Also, residents are required to have 50 hours with an OCS certified mentor.


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